Search research field (AND search) Energy Material Robotics Aerospace Systems and Control/Management Micro-Nano Biology-Medical Heat and Fluid Information Environment Process Surface-Interface Sensor Simulation Health-Welfare Transport Safety- Security Design Department of Mechanical Systems EngineeringFunctional Systems EngineeringMicro-Nanomechanical ArchitectonicsOno & Toan Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems EngineeringFunctional Systems EngineeringMicro-Nanomechanical ArchitectonicsToda Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems EngineeringFunctional Systems EngineeringTribology and Nanointerface EngineeringAdachi Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems EngineeringFunctional Systems EngineeringTribology and Nanointerface EngineeringMurashima Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems EngineeringEnergy Systems EngineeringRenewable Energy Conversion EngineeringYugami & LIU Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems EngineeringEnergy Systems EngineeringRenewable Energy Conversion EngineeringShimizu Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems EngineeringEnergy Systems EngineeringFluid MechanicsShigeta & Sugimoto Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems EngineeringEnergy Systems EngineeringControl of Heat TransferBiwa. & Kusudo Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems EngineeringEnergy Systems EngineeringControl of Heat TransferShoji Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Collaborative Chair] Graduate School of Biomedical EngineeringMedical Nanosystem EngineeringT.Tanaka Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Collaborative Chair] Graduate School of Biomedical EngineeringMedical Nanosystem EngineeringFukushima Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Fracture and Reliability Research InstituteStrength and Reliability for Advanced Energy and Environmental MaterialsOgawa & Saito Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Fracture and Reliability Research InstituteStrength and Reliability for Advanced Energy and Environmental MaterialsIchikawa Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Fracture and Reliability Research InstituteEnergy Cycle Systems ResearchK.Sato Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Research Center for Green X-TechManufacturing ProcessMizutani & Kuji Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceElectromagnetic Functional Flow DynamicsTakana & Kaneko Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceDesign of Structure and Flow in the EarthA.Suzuki Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceHeat Transfer ControlKomiya & Kanda Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceAdvanced Fluid Machinery SystemsIga Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceAdvanced Fluid Machinery SystemsOkajima Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceEnergy DynamicsMaruta & Morii Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceEnergy DynamicsH.Nakamura Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceMechanical Systems EvaluationUchimoto Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceBiological Nanoscale Reactive Flow LaboratoryT.Sato & LIU Lab. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced MaterialsSolid State Ionic DevicesAmezawa & Kimura Lab. Department of FinemechanicsMaterials Physics and EngineeringIntelligent Sensing of MaterialsSoyama Lab. Department of FinemechanicsMaterials Physics and EngineeringMechanics and Material DesignAoyagi Lab. Department of FinemechanicsNanomechanicsSoftmechanicsT.Yamaguchi & Nishi Lab. Department of FinemechanicsNanomechanicsPrecision NanometrologyGao & R.Sato Lab. Department of FinemechanicsNanomechanicsPrecision NanometrologyMatsukuma Lab. Department of FinemechanicsNanomechanicsMechanics of Materials SystemTohmyoh & Kimura Lab. Department of FinemechanicsNanomechanicsMechanics of Materials SystemShirasu Lab. Department of FinemechanicsBiomechanicsBiodevice EngineeringNishizawa, Tottori & Osaki Lab. Department of FinemechanicsBiomechanicsBiological Flow StudiesIshikawa Lab. Department of FinemechanicsBiomechanicsBiological Flow StudiesKikuchi Lab. Department of FinemechanicsBiomechanicsBiological Flow StudiesOmori Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories] Fracture and Reliability Research InstituteDivision of Advanced Electric Power Research (Donated by Tohoku Electric Power Company)Takeda Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceMolecular Heat TransferOhara & SURBLYS Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceMolecular Composite FlowKikugawa Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceQuantum Nanoscale Flow SystemsTokumasu Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceGreen NanotechnologyEndo & Ohori Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories]International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation SmartNext-generation detection system Smart LabW.Yashiro Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories]International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation SmartInternational collaboration smart labChiba & H.Nomura Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories] Research Center for Green X-TechDesign of function and reliability of materialsK.Suzuki Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceBiomedical Flow DynamicsOhta & Anzai Lab. Department of Finemechanics[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceIntegrated Simulation Biomedical EngineeringFunamoto Lab. Department of RoboticsRobot SystemsNeuro-RoboticsHayashibe & Kutsuzawa Lab. Department of RoboticsRobot SystemsNeuro-RoboticsOwaki Lab. Department of RoboticsRobot SystemsSmart Robots DesignHirata & Salazar Lab. Department of RoboticsRobot SystemsSmart Robots DesignTamura Lab. Department of RoboticsNanosystemsMolecular RoboticsMurata & Abe Lab. Department of RoboticsNanosystemsMolecular RoboticsS.Nomura & Matsubayashi Lab. Department of RoboticsNanosystemsSmart System IntegrationS.Tanaka & GUO Lab. Department of RoboticsNanosystemsSmart System IntegrationTsukamoto Lab. Department of RoboticsNanosystemsInformative NanosystemsKanamori & Okatani Lab. Department of RoboticsNanosystemsInformative NanosystemsInomata Lab. Department of Robotics[Collaborative Chair] Graduate School of Biomedical EngineeringNanodevice EngineeringHaga & Tsuruoka Lab. Department of Robotics[Collaborative Chair] Graduate School of Biomedical EngineeringMedical Welfare EngineeringM.Tanaka Lab. Department of Robotics[Collaborative Chair] Graduate School of Biomedical EngineeringMedical Welfare EngineeringOkuyama Lab. Department of Robotics[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceBiomolecular Flow SystemsMabuchi Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringAerodynamic DesignKawai & Asada Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringAerodynamic DesignKuya Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringSmart Systems for Materials and StructuresOkabe, Kawagoe, Nagumo & Ryuzono Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringSmart Systems for Materials and StructuresG.Yamamoto Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAstronautical EngineeringPropulsion EngineeringOhnishi & S.Sato Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAstronautical EngineeringPropulsion EngineeringM.Takahashi Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAstronautical EngineeringSpace ExplorationYoshida, Uno & SANTRA Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAstronautical EngineeringSpace ExplorationKuwahara Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAstronautical EngineeringSpace StructuresMakihara & Hara Lab. Department of Aerospace EngineeringAstronautical EngineeringSpace StructuresOtsuka Lab. Department of Aerospace Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceAerospace Fluid EngineeringObayashi Lab. Department of Aerospace Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceAerospace Fluid EngineeringYakeno Lab. Department of Aerospace Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceHigh Speed Reacting FlowHayakawa Lab. Department of Aerospace Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceSpacecraft Thermal and Fluids SystemsNagai & Ikami Lab. Department of Aerospace Engineering[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceMulti-Physics DesignAbe Lab. Department of Management Science and TechnologyScience, Technology and societyEnergy SustainabilityNakata & DELAGE Lab. Information SciencesApplied Mathematical ScienceMathmatical Modeling and ComputationYamamoto & Miyazawa Lab. Information SciencesApplied Mathematical ScienceMathmatical Modeling and ComputationFurusawa Lab. Information SciencesSoftware Science and SystemsComputer ArchitectureH.Kobayashi Lab. Information SciencesSoftware Science and SystemsComputer ArchitectureM.Sato Lab. Information SciencesIntelligent RoboticsImage AnalysisOkatani & Suganuma Lab. Information SciencesIntelligent RoboticsIntelligent Control SystemsHashimoto Lab. Information SciencesInformation and Applied TechnologyHuman-Robot InformaticsTadokoro Lab. Information SciencesInformation and Applied TechnologyHuman-Robot InformaticsKonyo lab. Information Sciences[Cooperative Laboratories] Cyberscience CenterHigh Performance ComputingTakizawa & K.Takahashi lab. Information Sciences[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceIntgrated Fluid Informatics (Multiphase Flow Energy)Ishimoto & Oshima Lab. Information Sciences[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceFlow System Informatics (Computational Fluid Physics)Hattori Lab. Information Sciences[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceFlow System Informatics (Computational Fluid Physics)Hirota Lab. Information Sciences[Cooperative Laboratories] Tough Cyberphysical AI Research CenterTough Cyber-Physical AIOhno Lab. Environmental StudiesEnergy ResourcesDistributed Energy SystemKawada & M.Yamaguchi Lab. Environmental Studies[Cooperative Laboratories] Institute of Fluid ScienceExtraction of Crustal EnergyIto & Mukuhira Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanical EngineeringBological Flow StudiesIshikawa Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanical EngineeringBological Flow StudiesKikuchi Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanical EngineeringBological Flow StudiesOmori Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanical EngineeringMedical Nanosystem EngineeringT.Tanaka Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanical EngineeringMedical Nanosystem EngineeringFukushima Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanical EngineeringWet Device EngineeringNishizawa Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiomedical Engineering for Health and WelfareMedical Welfare EngineeringM.Tanaka Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiomedical Engineering for Health and WelfareLife Support EngineeringT.Yamaguchi Lab. Biomedical EngineeringMedical Device InnovationBio-Medical Interface FabricationMizutani Lab. Biomedical EngineeringMedical Device InnovationNanodevice EngineeringHaga Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiofluids Control SystemIntegrated Simulation Biomedical EngineeringFunamoto Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiofluids Control SystemBiomedical Flow DynamicsOhta Lab. Biomedical EngineeringBiomedical System Control EngineeringNeuro-RoboticsHayashibe Lab.